哪里我哪里知道他费了那么大的劲 Little did I know what a gre... |
哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗 Where there is oppression th... |
哪里艰苦哪安家 We'll go and settle down whe... |
哫訾 fawn on |
哭 cry |
哭不得笑不得 be at a loss whether to cry ... |
哭不成声 weep too bitterly to speak |
哭丧 wail at funeral |
哭丧棒 the stick which the son in m... |
哭丧着脸 put on a long face |
哭个不停 go on crying |
哭个痛快 weep one's fill |
哭倒于地 throw oneself on the ground ... |
哭到天明 weep the night away |
哭哑嗓门 lose one's voice in tears |
哭哭啼啼 weep and sob |
哭哭笑笑 cry one moment and laugh the... |
哭哭说说 cry between the words |
哭哭闹闹 make a tearful scene |
哭喊 cry and shout |
哭声载道 Cries of misery were heard t... |
哭声遍野 Long-drawn-out howls of mise... |
哭声震天 The noise of grief rises to ... |
哭天哭地 weep,calling upon heaven and... |
哭天抹泪 wail and whine |