哭丧着脸 put on a long face; go around with a long face; a wosbegone look; disconsolately; one looks mournful as if in bereavement.; one's face was glum.; wear [pull] a long face; with a mournful face
哭穷 go about telling people how hard up one is; complain of being hard up 不要在我面前哭穷! don't complain of being hard up before me
哭墙 al baqar wall; baqar wall al; crying wall; wailing wall of the jews; western wall
Babbitt told zilla that she was a nagging, jealous, sour and unwholesome woman . 巴比特对齐拉说,她是个专爱找岔,嫉妒成性,哭丧脸面,让人难受的女人。
"ay" said he, beginning to eat,"and you, by your long face, should be a whig? " “哎”,他动手吃起来,说道:“而你呢,看你这张哭丧睑,该是一个费格派吧?”
He heard me all through in silence, and then, in a broken voice, begged me to let him go to bed . 他默默地听完我这些责难,始终没有作声,最后才用哭丧似的声音恳求我,让他去睡觉。
The gloomy damp weather and her gloomy face took away my appetite 阴沉,潮湿的天气以及她哭丧着的脸让我食欲全无
In some places , rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance 在一些地方,有钱人请人代为哭丧,是为了讲排场,摆阔气。
" ay " said he , beginning to eat , " and you , by your long face , should be a whig ? “哎” ,他动手吃起来,说道: “而你呢,看你这张哭丧睑,该是一个费格派吧? ”
That deed is not well done , which one regrets when it is done and the result of which one experiences weeping with a tearful face 如果没有好好地把事情做妥、做这件事情的人会后悔,又要哭丧著脸地忍受它带来的后果。
I thought that he ' d posted the letter , but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he ' d found it still in his pocket 我以为他早就把信寄出了,没想到一周后他却哭丧著脸来跟我说,信还在他的口袋里。
In their life , women have only two occasions to express themselves in public rites , namely the wedding lament and the funeral lament 妇女一生中只有两个场合可以在公共场所进行仪式上的自我表现,即由妇女表演给她们的家庭成员及当地居民看的哭嫁与哭丧,因此非常重要。
Whenever you came to me , tears streaming down your cheeks , i always looked at you calmly , saying , " the present moment might be difficult , but you ' ll be fine . " most of the time you responded with that doubtful look in your eye 每当你哭丧著脸和我诉说生活上的困难,我总是很平静地和你说,目前的路虽然走得坎坷,但是我相信你会好好的,泰半时你用半信半疑的眼光看著我。