- cries of misery were heard the whole length of the way
- 载 load; carry; hold
- 道 road; way; route; path
- 怨声载道 voices of discontent [grievances] are heard everywhere.; complaints are heard everywhere.; cries of discontent rise all round.; grumblings of the people are heard everywhere [all over].; murmurs of discontent fill the streets.; the murmurs of the people fill the streets.; voices of discontent can be heard all over
- 怨声载道,到处是不堪入耳的骂声 the ~ was blue with oaths
- 哭声 cry
- 声载荷 acoustic loading
- 焚香载道 line the roads and burn incense in honour of ..
- 口碑载道 enjoy great popularity among the people;a tablet hanging among the people on the road -- worthy of praise;be praised everywhere; be warmly praised by one and all; one's name is on all men's lips.; one's praises ring far and wide.; win popular praise
- 声名载道 win popular praise
- 文以载道 writings are for conveying truth
- 伴声载波 aural carrier
- 声载模拟 vocal tract analog
- 噪声载波 noise carrier
- 暗夜哭声 a cry in the dark
- 哭声遍野 long-drawn-out howls of misery were heard on every side.; the air was rent for miles around with cries of weeping and lamentation
- 哭声震天 the noise of grief rises to heaven.; a wail of sorrow arose to the very sky.; the cries of lamentation rise to the skies.; the lamentation rose to the heavens.; there arose a loud weeping and wailing that echoed to the clouds [skies]
- 哇哇哭声 boohoo
- 婴儿哭声 baby cry
- 伴声载波抑制 sound rejection
- 图-声载波同步 picture-sound carrier
- 噪声载波调制 noise carrier modulation
- 孩子们的哭声 the cry of the children
- 没哭声的抉择 boys don't cry
- 沙漠中的哭声 cry in the desert
- 未分化的哭声 undifferentiated crying