- [旧时用语] the stick which the son in mourning leans on
- 哭丧 wail at funeral
- 哭丧者 keener
- 哭丧着脸 put on a long face; go around with a long face; a wosbegone look; disconsolately; one looks mournful as if in bereavement.; one's face was glum.; wear [pull] a long face; with a mournful face
- 哭穷 go about telling people how hard up one is; complain of being hard up 不要在我面前哭穷! don't complain of being hard up before me
- 哭砂 nakisuna; tears in sand
- 哭墙 al baqar wall; baqar wall al; crying wall; wailing wall of the jews; western wall
- 哭砂(长笛) cry for the sand
- 哭乾我的眼泪 i'll hang my tears out to dry
- 哭声 cry
- 哭丧棒的日语:葬式で死者の息子たちが持つ儀式用の杖.
- 哭丧棒的韩语:[명사] 상장(喪杖). 상제가 짚는 지팡이. =[哀杖]
- 哭丧棒的俄语:pinyin:kūsāngbàng посох (сына покойного) для погребального шествия
- 哭丧棒什么意思:kūsāngbàng 旧俗出殡时孝子拄的棍子,上面缠着白纸。