be able neither to cry nor to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to laugh or to cry; do not know whether to cry or to laugh; find sth. both funny and annoying; one can neither cry nor laugh.; one's face was a study
哭不得笑不得 be at a loss whether to cry or laugh; be at one's wits' end 真教我哭不得笑不得! i don't know whether to laugh or cry! 他哭不得笑不得, 一年的气力白费了。 he was at his wits' end, having worked a year for nothing
不得 不得(用于一些动词前面, 表示不许可) mustn't; may not; shouldn't; not be allowed; be not supposed to 不得将参考书携出阅览室。 reference books may not be taken out of the reading room. 任何人不得迟到。 nobody is allowed to be late.
可笑不自量 cut a ridiculous figure because of self-overestimation; make a laughing-stock of oneself by overrating oneself; make oneself ridiculous by overestimating one's ability; ridiculously overrate oneself
哭笑不得的俄语:[kūxiàobude] обр. и смех и горе; не знать, то ли плакать, то ли смеяться
哭笑不得什么意思:kū xiào bù dé 【解释】哭也不好,笑也不好。形容很尴尬。 【示例】否则咬着了辣椒,~的时候,我不能负责。(鲁迅《伪自由书·止哭文学》) 【拼音码】kxbd 【灯谜面】红白喜事一起办娶媳妇死老娘 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容处境尴尬 【英文】find something both funny and annoying