- (make sb.) weep and laugh alternately
- 哭 cry; weep; sob; blubber; wai ...
- 笑 smile; laugh
- 更迭 change; alternate; alternati ...
- 更迭 change; alternate; alternation 内阁更迭 a change of cabinet; 涨潮和落潮交替更迭。 the flood and ebb tides alternates with each other
- 更迭的 alternating
- 更迭键 alternate bonds; alternating bond
- 更迭链 alternating bond
- 更迭律 alternation law
- 更迭酸 alternaric acid
- 更迭轴 alternating axes
- 病理性哭笑 plc pathological laughing and crying
- 哭哭笑笑 cry one moment and laugh the next
- 哭笑不得 be able neither to cry nor to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to laugh or to cry; do not know whether to cry or to laugh; find sth. both funny and annoying; one can neither cry nor laugh.; one's face was a study
- 哭笑无常 cry and laugh by turns,without any apparent reason;now (he) laughs, and then (he) cries.; weeping and laughing hysterically
- 强制性哭笑 forced crying and laughing; forced weeping and laughing; spontaneous crying and laughter
- 强制性哭笑 强制性哭笑 forced crying and laughing
- 更迭比例 alternate proportion
- 更迭定律 alternation law
- 更迭对称轴 alternating axes; alternating axis of symmetry; alternation axis of symmetry
- 更迭反射 alternating reflex
- 更迭极性 alternate polarity
- 更迭极性说 alternate polaritytheory
- 更迭阶段 alternating phase
- 更迭泡治 alternating curing
- 更迭亲力 alternating affinity