吵吵闹闹 make a noise (about); be in a bustle; kick up a cloud of dust; kick up a shindy [row]; make a scene [great deal of fuss]; raise [make] a hue and cry [hullabaloo]: 外面吵吵闹闹的, 出了什么事? there is a great noise outside. what's happened
I heard about enough of yer sniveling . shut yer fly trap ' afore i shut it for ye 哭哭闹闹,没完没了。我都听烦了!你们要是不能闭上嘴,我来帮你们!
You have just been telling me how much you liked to be conquered , and how pleasant over - persuasion is to you . don t you think i had better take advantage of the confession , and begin and coax and entreat - even cry and be sulky if necessary - for the sake of a mere essay of my power 你刚才还告诉我,你多么高兴被我征服,多么喜欢被我强行说服,你难道不认为,我不妨可利用一下你的表白,开始哄呀,求呀必要时甚至还可哭哭闹闹,板起面孔只不过为了尝试一下我的力量? ”