- weep too bitterly to speak; break down entirely; (she) could not speak for weeping.; sobbing too much to speak
- 哭 cry; weep; sob; blubber; wai ...
- 不成 won't do
- 声 sound; voice
- 泣不成声 choke with sobs; (she) could not speak for (her) sobbing.; one's voice was choked with weeping [tears].; sobbing too much to speak; sob too bitterly to speak; sob without restraint
- 哽不成声 (her) voice failed (her)
- 爱玛哭不停 the one where emma cries
- 大哭不止 wail without ceasing
- 哭不出来 i can’t cry
- 成声频率 audio frequency
- 合成声场 synthetic sound field
- 合成声束图 two-way beam pattern
- 合成声音 combinations; synthesized voice
- 压成声盘 pressing
- 哭不得笑不得 be at a loss whether to cry or laugh; be at one's wits' end 真教我哭不得笑不得! i don't know whether to laugh or cry! 他哭不得笑不得, 一年的气力白费了。 he was at his wits' end, having worked a year for nothing
- 钱德哭不出来 the one where chandler can’t cry
- 合成声音数据 integrated voice data
- 主板集成声卡 adi audio
- 不成材 good-for-nothing; worthless; ne'er-do-well
- 不成功 flop; unsuccessful; get nowhere
- 不成立 [数学] false
- 不成眠 insomniatic
- 不成器 (没出息) good-for-nothing; ne'er-do-well; worthless
- 不成熟 immature◇不成熟沉积物 immature sediment; 不成熟培养系 jungkultur
- 不成形 deformity; unshapen