- long-drawn-out howls of misery were heard on every side.; the air was rent for miles around with cries of weeping and lamentation
- 欢声遍野 gladness filled the countryside
- 哭声 cry
- 哀声遍地 the sound of mourning filled the whole earth
- 哀鸿遍野 starving people fill the land.; a land of wailing and despair; a land swarming with famished refugees; disaster victims (moaning) everywhere; famine refugees swarm the countryside.; the air was rent for miles round with cries of weeping and lamentation.; the wilderness is filled with suffers
- 遍山遍野 all over the mountains and the fields
- 遍野林冠 horizon canopy
- 饿殍遍野 the wilds were full of dead bodies of the starved.; corpses of people who died of starvation are seen by the roadside.; in the fields lay people starved to death.; people dying of starvation are a common sight in ....; the field was strewn with the corpses of the starved.; with people starving to death all over the country
- 花开遍野 flower hill trail
- 路遍野花 wild flowers
- 漫山遍野 be spread out everywhere over the hills and dales; all over the hills and valleys; all over the mountains and wilderness [plains]; covering [preading] all over hills and dales; covering the hills and filling the plains.; everywhere over mountains and wilderness; (everywhere) over hill and dale; (come) pouring over the countryside like a flood; the hills and plains were covered with ..
- 尸横遍野 the corpses lie all over the countryside.; a field littered with corpses; be strewn with dead (in the end); corpses cover the plain.; corpses litter the whole plain.; dead bodies fill the countryside.; dead bodies scattered over the wilderness.; the field [countryside] is strewn with corpses
- 灾黎遍野 the land is filled with disaster-stricken refugees.; stricken masses fill the wilderness
- 旌旗遍野 the banners (of one's host) filled the horizon
- 暗夜哭声 a cry in the dark
- 哭声载道 cries of misery were heard the whole length of the way
- 哭声震天 the noise of grief rises to heaven.; a wail of sorrow arose to the very sky.; the cries of lamentation rise to the skies.; the lamentation rose to the heavens.; there arose a loud weeping and wailing that echoed to the clouds [skies]
- 哇哇哭声 boohoo
- 婴儿哭声 baby cry
- 孩子们的哭声 the cry of the children
- 没哭声的抉择 boys don't cry
- 沙漠中的哭声 cry in the desert
- 未分化的哭声 undifferentiated crying
- 走廊里的哭声 the cry in the corridor
- 漫山遍野的胜利篝火 a sea of victory bonfires
- 哭砂(长笛) cry for the sand
- 哭诉 complain tearfully 女孩对父亲哭诉自己的伤心事。 the girl wept out her grief to her father