Lung auscultation may detect rales , rhonchi or wheezes ; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia , asthma or congestive heart failure ( chf ) 肺部听诊可以听到湿罗音、干罗音或哮鸣音,这对诊断肺炎、哮喘或充血性心力衰竭很有价值。
The closer people live to a main road , the more likely they are to suffer from respiratory symptoms such as breathlessness and wheezing , a new study shows 新的研究表明,人们住得离主干道越近,就越有可能患上气促及哮鸣等呼吸系统症状。
Signs and symptoms usually develop within minutes and may include tingling in the mouth , hives , swelling of the lips , face , tongue and throat , wheezing or breathing difficulties , dizziness , abdominal pain , diarrhea , nausea or vomiting 过敏的症状与体征经常在数分钟内产生,常见的症状有口腔麻刺感,荨麻疹,脸、口唇、舌头以及咽喉肿胀,出现哮鸣音或呼吸困难,头晕、腹痛、腹泻、恶心或呕吐。
Children 6 to 59 months of age , without a recent episode of wheezing illness or seere asthma , were randomly assigned in a 1 : 1 ratio to receie either cold - adapted trialent lie attenuated influenza accine ( a refrigeration - stable formulation of lie attenuated intranasally administered influenza accine ) or trialent inactiated accine in a double - blind manner 选择近期无哮鸣性疾病或严重哮喘事件发生的,年龄介于6 ? 59个月的婴幼儿被随机双盲等数分成两组,两组分别双盲法给与感冒适应的三价流感减毒活疫苗(一种经鼻给与的流感疫苗的减毒冰冻的稳定成分)或给与三价灭活疫苗。
Children 6 to 59 months of age , without a recent episode of wheezing illness or severe asthma , were randomly assigned in a 1 : 1 ratio to receive either cold - adapted trivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine ( a refrigeration - stable formulation of live attenuated intranasally administered influenza vaccine ) or trivalent inactivated vaccine in a double - blind manner 选择近期无哮鸣性疾病或严重哮喘事件发生的,年龄介于6 ? 59个月的婴幼儿被随机双盲等数分成两组,两组分别双盲法给与感冒适应的三价流感减毒活疫苗(一种经鼻给与的流感疫苗的减毒冰冻的稳定成分)或给与三价灭活疫苗。
Several subclassifications have been proposed : simple chronic bronchitis describes a condition characterized by mucoid sputum production ; chronic mucopurulent bronchitis is characterized by persistent or recurrent purulence of sputum in the absence of localized suppurative diseases such as bronchiectasis ; chronic bronchitis with obstruction deserves a separate classification characterized by presence of airway obstruction as assessed by the used of the forced expiratory vital capacity maneuver ; and chronic asthmatic bronchitis 它可以分为以下几种类型:单纯性慢性支气管炎,其特征为咳粘液性痰;慢性粘液脓性支气管炎,其特征是反复的或持续的咳脓痰,但肺部并无化脓性病变,如支气管扩张;慢性支气管炎伴阻塞,其特征为用力呼气肺活量测定时有气道阻塞的表现;慢性哮喘性支气管炎,其特征是患者有长期的咳嗽及咯痰史,后来肺部出现哮鸣者,因此与哮喘伴慢性气管阻塞的病人不同。