- be in a trance
- 神情: expression; look
- 恍惚: in a trance; absent-minded
- 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活神情恍惚: the old man was in a trance thinking of his past life. dimly
- 恍惚: 1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember
- 神情: expression; look 露出愉快的神情 look happy; wear a happy expression; 诡谲的神情 a sly look; 带着茫然的神情 with vacant looks; 观察某人的神情 watch sb.'s expression; 他脸上掠过失望的神情。 a look of disappointment passed over his face