

发音:   用"使恍惚"造句
  • bemaze
  • hypnotise
  • hypnotize
  • translate
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
  • 恍惚:    in a trance; absent-minded
  • 恍惚:    1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember
  • 使恍忽:    trance
  • 恍惚的:    absent minded; bemazed; dreamy; in a trance; transic


        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        恍惚:    in a trance; absent-minded
        恍惚:    1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember
        使恍忽:    trance
        恍惚的:    absent minded; bemazed; dreamy; in a trance; transic
        恍惚地:    dazedly
        恍恍惚惚:    be quite confused and stupefied
        恍惚的记忆:    wandering memory
        恍惚记得:    faintly remember
        恍惚迷离的:    enrapt
        恍惚性昏迷:    trance coma; trance-coma
        恍惚状态:    sleep drunkenness; sleepdrunkenness; somnolentia
        精神恍惚:    one's mind is wandering.; absent-minded
        精神恍惚的:    spaced-out
        酒毒性恍惚:    alcoholic psychosis
        迷离恍惚:    be in a stupor
        身心恍惚:    be ill at ease and somehow confused
        神情恍惚:    be in a trance
        神思恍惚:    be lost in a reverie; at a loss; be in a disturbed [confused] state of mind; distracted; distraugh; entrancement; grow quite bemused; in a state of mental confusion; one's mind does not function clearly.; suffer from dizzy spells
        神志恍惚:    one's mind wanders.; wandering in one's mind
        使精神恍惚:    fascinate chaam
        使神态恍惚:    entrance 2
        我如此恍惚:    i was so untrue
        心神恍惚:    be ill at ease and full of dread; perturbed in mind; spellbound
        心神恍惚的:    distrait



  1. "使慌乱"英文
  2. "使慌张"英文
  3. "使黄"英文
  4. "使惶恐,使混淆"英文
  5. "使恍忽"英文
  6. "使灰心"英文
  7. "使挥发"英文
  8. "使辉煌"英文
  9. "使辉耀"英文
  10. "使恢复"英文


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