恍惚: in a trance; absent-minded的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...恍惚的记忆: wandering memory精神恍惚的: spaced-out心神恍惚的: distrait昏迷的恍惚的: carotic吸毒而恍惚的: zonked精神恍惚的, 昏沉沉的: spaced-out心神恍惚的,心不在焉的: distrait夏日午后那种令人迷离恍惚的沉闷: the hazy languor of a summer's afternoon恍惚: 1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember恍惚地: dazedly使恍惚: bemaze; hypnotise; hypnotize; translate恍恍惚惚: be quite confused and stupefied恍惚记得: faintly remember恍惚迷离的: enrapt恍惚性昏迷: trance coma; trance-coma恍惚状态: sleep drunkenness; sleepdrunkenness; somnolentia精神恍惚: one's mind is wandering.; absent-minded酒毒性恍惚: alcoholic psychosis迷离恍惚: be in a stupor身心恍惚: be ill at ease and somehow confused神情恍惚: be in a trance神思恍惚: be lost in a reverie; at a loss; be in a disturbed [confused] state of mind; distracted; distraugh; entrancement; grow quite bemused; in a state of mental confusion; one's mind does not function clearly.; suffer from dizzy spells神志恍惚: one's mind wanders.; wandering in one's mind