使: send; tell sb. to do sth.精神恍惚: One's mind is wandering.; ab ...精神恍惚: one's mind is wandering.; absent-minded精神恍惚的: spaced-out变得精神恍惚: go into a trance精神恍惚的, 昏沉沉的: spaced-out我便精神恍惚着: i'm out of my head心神恍惚: be ill at ease and full of dread; perturbed in mind; spellbound心神恍惚的: distrait使精神饱满: freshen up使精神充沛: ginger使精神错乱: craze; derange使精神纷乱: psych使精神化: spiritualize使精神激昂: elevate使精神失常: unhinge使精神爽: give new strength to make fresh使精神振奋: raise the spirit of make very happy proud or joyful; refresh使精神振作: refresh心神恍惚的,心不在焉的: distrait使精神兴奋的: soul stirring能使精神健全的: healthful恍惚: 1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember使精神振作 使恢复体力: refresh使精神振作;使清凉;使更新;小修,重修: refreshed (l03)