1. 利益关系人 party interested
  2. 利益协调 harmony of interests
  3. 利益均沾 share equal profit
  4. 利益所有人 beneficial owner
  5. 利益责任单位 profit responsibility unit
  6. 利益集团 interest group
  7. 利眠宁 chlordiazepoxide
  8. 利禄 wealth and position
  9. 利禄熏心 be enthusiastic about wealth...
  10. 利税 profit and tax
  11. 利税分流 practice of separating profi...
  12. 利落 agile
  13. 利血平 reserpinum
  14. 利诱 lure by promise of gain
  15. 利诱威逼 beguile with money and oppre...
  16. 利谷隆 linuron
  17. 利钱 interest
  18. 利马宣言 Lima Declaration
  19. leave
  20. 别一有成绩就翘尾巴 Don't get cocky when you've ...
  21. 别丁 bitin
  22. 别上领花 pin a collar flower
  23. 别不过 unable to dissuade
  24. 别为一些琐事与别人争吵 Don't wrangle with others ov...
  25. 别为小事伤了和气 Don't let this trifling matt...
  26. 别为琐事烦恼 Don't worry about little thi...
  27. 别为这点小事想不开 Don't take such small things...
  28. 别久情疏 Long absent,soon forgotten.
  29. 别人 other people
  30. 别从外表看事物 Don't judge a thing from the...
  31. 别仗势欺人仗势倚财 rely on one's wealth and pow...
  32. 别传 supplementary biography
  33. 别使你的鞋走样 Keep your shoes from losing ...
  34. 别傻气了 Don't be stupid.
  35. 别其真伪 determine whether it's true ...
  36. 别具一格 have a style of one's own
  37. 别具匠心 show ingenuity
  38. 别具只眼 have an original view
  39. 别具慧心 have a special understanding
  40. 别具特色 have unique characteristicⅣ ...
  41. 别具私心 have an axe to grind
  42. 别再孩子气啦 Don't be childish any more.
  43. 别再提那件事了 Don't bring that up again.
  44. 别再斗嘴了 Stop bickering!
  45. 别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间 Don't plunge head first into...
  46. 别出心裁 create new styles
  47. 别出机杼 be original in conception
  48. 别动队 special detachment
  49. 别动队员 ranger
  50. 别参 Bie Can

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