- beguile with money and oppress with power
- 利诱: lure by promise of gain
- 威逼: threaten by force; coerce; i ...
- 威逼利诱: resort to both mild and severe [stern] measures; alternate intimidation and bribery; coerce and bribe; combine threats with inducements; compel by threat or lure by money [offers]; intimidate by force and beguile with money; persuade and cajole sb. with veiled threats; practise intimidation and bribery; resort to all kinds of threats and inducements; (try all sorts of) threats and ca-jolery to bring sb. around; try to get sb. through both force and bribery
- 威逼利诱,不为所动: immune to bribery and indomitable before threats
- 威逼利诱不为所动: immune to bribery and indomitable before threats