有美好的前程 have good prospects career |
有翅难展 unable to make use of one's ... |
有翻江倒海之能 have the prowess of performi... |
有职无权 have a nominal appointment |
有职有权 exercise the functions and p... |
有联系 relate to |
有胆有识 be courageous and knowledgea... |
有胆量过来 Come on if you've got the gu... |
有背景 have powerful connections |
有胜于无 A bit is better than nothing... |
有脚阳春 to sing the praises of an of... |
有自信心 have self-confidence |
有良心的人 people with a conscience |
有色 coloured |
有色人种 coloured race |
有色玻璃 coloured glass |
有色眼镜 coloured spectacles |
有色金属 nonferrous metal |
有艺术修养 be artistically accomplished |
有花堪折直须折 Gather roses while ye may. |
有苗不愁长 Once you have the sprouts yo... |
有若 You Ruo |
有苦难说 find it hard to tell about o... |
有血有肉 true to life |
有血气的青年 a courageous and upright you... |