The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color . 势利的英帝国堤坝阻挡着狂怒的有色人种的海洋。
Naacp and other militant negro groups counseled resistance . 全国有色人种协进会和其他富于战斗性的黑人团体商讨抵抗办法。
A ten-year master plan includes programmes to improve schools, assist minority businesses, provide job training and employment as well as cultural opportunities and recreations . 总计划预期十年完成,其中包括扩建学校、资助有色人种兴办实业、提供职业训练和就业机会以及新建文化娱乐场所等项目。
Colored people are looked down upon in some country 有色人种在一些国家受到歧视。
Colored people are by no means inferior to white people 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。
And the colored girls go doo do doo do doo “那个有色人种的女孩开始嘟、嘟、嘟、嘟、嘟”
Ready to bust a cap in any white boy ' s ass 准备要把子弹打进随便一个白种人屁股的有色人种
Ready to bust a cap in any white boy ' s ass 准备要把子弹打进随便一个白种人屁股的有色人种
Is she of color ? - anddoyou love me -她是有色人种吗? -你爱我吗?