- unable to make use of one's ability; (of a bird) though it has wings, it can not fly
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 翅 wing
- 难 catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
- 展 open up; spread out; expand; ...
- 有翅 pterygota
- 插翅难飞 even if one had wings one could hardly fly away -- no possible escape.; unable to fly, even with a pair of wings; even though (he) could thrust wings into (himself) yet (he) could not fly away.; unable to escape even if given wings; unable to escape even if one were provided with wings 密密层层的天罗地网, 我看他插翅难飞。 he is so closely hemmed in on all sides that i doubt whether he could escape even if he grew a pair of wings
- 插翅难飞2 fear of flying
- 插翅难飞ii fear of flying
- 插翅难越 even birds couldn't pass.; even if one was stuck with wings one could hardly fly away -- no possible escape
- 有翅的 alate; alatus; finned
- 有翅段 finned section
- 有翅类 metabolous insects; pterygogenea
- 有翅瓣类 calypteratae; calyptrata; calyptrate; calyterae; thecostomata
- 有翅工蚁 pterergate
- 有翅决明 cassia alata
- 有翅卵生雌 winged oviparous female
- 有翅卵生蚜 alate oviparous female
- 有翅盘管 finned coil
- 有翅胎生雌 winged viviparious female; winged viviparous female
- 有翅胎生蚜 alate viviparous female
- 有翅旋管 finned coil
- 有翅亚纲 pterygogenea; pterygota
- 有翅种子 winged seed
- 有翅缰的 frenate
- 没有翅膀的飞行 flying without wings