- once you have the sprouts you can expect them to grow
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 苗 seedling; sprout; shoots
- 不 a block of wood
- 愁 worry; be anxious
- 长 older; elder; senior
- 不愁吃,不愁穿 not have to worry about food and clothing
- 不愁穿 not have to worry about food and clothing
- 不愁缺 waste not want not
- 不愁吃不愁穿 not have to worry about food and clothing
- 不愁吃来不愁穿 not have to worry about food or clothing
- 不愁衣食 need not worry oneself about clothings and food
- 吃穿不愁 need not worry about food and clothing; be never worried about making a living; enough to live on for life; have enough food and clothing; not have to worry about food and clothing; there is plenty to eat and wear
- 吃喝不愁 have enough to eat and drink; enough to live on for life
- 旱涝不愁 have no fear of either waterlogging or drought
- 好女不愁嫁 a widow’s romance
- 我无事不愁 i worry about everything
- 债多不愁 when there are too many debts, one stops worrying about them.; too many difficulties to be anxious to overcome them
- 皇帝女儿不愁嫁 the daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband
- 精打细算,不愁吃穿 waste not ,want not
- 山里人不愁没柴烧 hillfolk never lack for firewood
- 虱多不痒,债多不愁 When you're covered with lice,you don't itchwhen you're up to your ears in debt,you stop worrying.
- 虱多不痒债多不愁 when you're up to your ears in debt you stop worrying
- 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 As long as the green mountains are there,one need not worry about firewood.As long as green hills remain,there'll never be a shortage of firewood.While there's life there's hope.
- 留得青山在不愁没柴烧 long as the green hills are there one need not worry about firewood
- 要有不愁穿吃的相当资财 moderate means of living
- 有苗不愁长的韩语:싹이 트면 자라는 법이다. 【전용】 방도가 서면 일은 이미 된 것이다.