

  • evidence of guilt



  • 例句与用法
  • In the course of investigation , investigating personnel not only have to gather evidence to prove the suspect guilty , but also have to give attention to evidence that prove his innocence or mitigate his punishment . thirdly , the attorneys right to participate in legal proceedings is fully protected
  • The current public prosecution mode in our country took shape from the past whole case - examine mode in the base of the thinking to get ride of the drawbacks in the past . in practice , it has not only become effective and cause out a lot of new defaults , for example , the definition of the main evidence is not clear , the transfer range of the case files is unclear and the stipulate of the examine consequence is not enough . in order to reform and perfect the current public prosecution mode , we should regard the theory of the public prosecution as guide , combine our country ' s conditions , on methodology jump out of the circle relatively drawing lessons from the past , on the procedural theory , change the idea that the forejudge caused from the substantive examination and clarify the objective fact the current public prosecution include the essential substantive examination , in practice regard legitimacy , rationality and flexibility as the principle of law enforcement before the law to revise , in legislation define the concept of the main evidence clearly , add the regulation to dispatch the examine judge and the trial judge , regulate the treatment methods after examination and revise some rules about the summary procedure
  • 推荐英语阅读
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