科技参赞 counsellor for scientific an... |
科技合作协定 agreement concerning scienti... |
科技咨询活动 scientific and technological... |
科技型企业 scientific and technological... |
科技大学 university of science and te... |
科技工作者 scientific and technological... |
科技开发潜力 scientific and technological... |
科技情报 scientific and technical inf... |
科技情报机构 scientific and technical inf... |
科技成果 scientific and technological... |
科技成果商品化 commercial use of scientific... |
科技指导 guidance in science and tech... |
科技摄影 photography in science and t... |
科技攻关 tackle key problems in scien... |
科技政策 technology policy |
科技文献 literature of science and te... |
科技期刊 technical journal |
科技术语 sientific and technical term... |
科技法制 legal system of science and ... |
科技版 science and technology page |
科技界 scientific and technological... |
科技管理学 management of science and te... |
科技英语 scientific English |
科技规划 program for the development ... |
科技词典 scientific and technical dic... |