海洋环境保护科学领域的专家组 gesamp group of experts on the scientific aspects for marine environmental protection; grouof experts on the scientific aspects for marine environmental protection
新生科学技术领域 new and emerging areas of science and technology
争夺日本在电子学领域中占据的领先地位 challenging japan’s supremacy in the field of electronics
领域 1.(一个国家行使主权的区域) territory; domain; realm 领域广大。 the domain is vast.2.(范围) field; sphere; domain; realm 科学领域 the field of science; 上层建筑领域 the realm of the superstructure; 社会科学领域 the domain of the social sciences; 思想领域 ideological sphere; 文学领域 the region of literature; 意识形态领域 the ideological sphere; 艺术领域 the world of art; 领域性 territoriality
The world of science always contains a few anomalies . 科学领域里总会出现反常情况。
But this is a characteristic of all fields of science . 可以说,这是所有科学领域的特征。
Basic research is of great importance in all scientific fields . 在各个科学领域里,基础研究是非常重要的。
In science a negative hypothesis can never be proved conclusively true . 在科学领域中的一个反面的假设永远不能最终被证明是真理。
The actual practice of electrical precipitation involves a surprising number of scientific disciplines . 在实践中,电收尘涉及到许多科学领域。
The big advance in this science came after the discovery in 1939 of the importance in human-diet of nicotinic acid . 在1939年发现了烟酸在人类饮食中的重要性后,这一科学领域有了巨大发展。
Surveying the methods of improving 人工神经网络方法在环境科学领域应用进展
He has made an important discovery in the area of science 他在科学领域有一个重要的发现。
Many great discoveries have been made in the fields of science 在科学领域里已有许多重大发现
People have done much research in many fields of science 人们在许多科学领域做了很多研究工作。