- photography in science and technology
- 科技 science and technology
- 摄影 take a photograph; shoot
- 特技摄影 trick photography; trickphotography
- 特技摄影机 special camera; stunt film camera
- 闪光玻璃特技摄影 glass shot
- 使用高科技针孔摄影机 using his high-tech pinhole
- 科技 (科学技术) science and technology◇科技版 science and technology page; 科技创造 scientific and technological creation; 科技成果 scientific and technological achievements; 科技成果商品化 commercial use of scientific discoveries; 科技词典 scientific and technical dictionary; 科技大学 university of science and technology; 科技工作者 scientific and technical worker; 科技攻关 tackle key problems in science and technology; 科技法制 legal system of science and technology; 科技管理学 management of science and technology; 科技规划 program for the development of science and technology; 科技合作协定 agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation; 科技交易会 science-technology fair; 科技界 scientific and technological circles; 科技进步 advance of science and technology; 科技开发潜力 scientific and technological potential; 科技期刊 technical journal; 科技情报 scientific and technical information; 科技情报机构 scientific and technical information institution; 科技人才 skilled personnel; scientists and engineers; qualified technical personnel; 科技人员 scientific and technical personnel; brainpower; technician; 科技人员合理流动制度 system of rational interflow of scientific and technical personnel; rational system for transferring scientific and technical personnel; 科技摄影 photography in science and technology; 科技术语 sientific and technical terminology; 科技体制 scientific and technological system; system of managing science and technology; 科技体制改革 reform of scientific and technological system; 科技型企业 scientific and technological enterprise; 科技政策 technology policy; 科技指导 guidance in science and technology; 科技咨询活动 scientific and technological consulting services; 科技资料传送 ursigram
- 特技摄象机触发器, 特技摄象机触发开关 animation camera trigger
- 摄影 1.(照相) take a photograph; shoot 摄影留念 take a photo as a moment; have a souvenir photograph taken; 航空摄影 aerial photography; 红外摄影 infrared photography; 从各种不同的角度给某人摄影 shoot sb. from various angles; 一分钟摄影 (快相) while-you-wait photography; 图片摄影 picturial photography; 他酷爱摄影。 he goes in for photography.2.(拍电影); shoot a film; film 内景摄影 interior shooting; 全景摄影 panoramic shooting; 外景摄影 exterior shooting; 胶卷摄影 film pick-up; 摄影师们正在摄影。 cameramen are shooting their pictures.; 摄影爱好者 shutterbugs; 摄影车 photographic car; 摄影记者 lensman; press photographer; cameraman; 摄影棚 photostudio; film studio; 摄影师 photographer; cameraman; 摄影室 photographic studio; photo studio; gallery; 摄影术 photography; 摄影展览 photographic exhibition; photo exhibition
- 摄影,摄影术 photography
- 摄影,照相;摄影术 photography
- 摄影师, 摄影者 photographer
- 摄影箱, 摄影室 camera chamber
- bfg科技 bfg technologies
- 爱科技 akg
- 安科技 arm limited
- 达科技 oxsi
- 大科技 moderne wissenschaft und technik; super science
- 低科技 low tech
- 电子, 科技 electronics ,technology
- 高科技 high technology◇高科技产品 high-tech product; 高科技领域 high-tech area
- 海科技 marine turbine technologies
- 华科技 adlink technology
- 科技版 science and technology page
- 科技部 ministry of science and technology; science and technology department