预测 calculate; forecast; prognosis; divine; forecasting; foreshadowing; predetermination 预测日蚀 calculate an eclipse of the sun; 预测台风 detect a typhoon; 作无把握的预测 hazard a forecast; (股票)行情预测 stock-market farecasting; 商情预测 business forecast; 对可能发生的事作出相当准确的预测 give a fairly accurate forecast of what may happen; 统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。 statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast
This argument, being purely logical, applies to scientific predictors of any complexity . 这个纯逻辑的论点适用于各种各样的科学预测者。
They are the basis of unconditional prophecies, as opposed to conditional scientific predictions . 它们是无条件预言的根据,而不是有条件的科学预测。
From the point of view of the pragmatic value of science, the significance of scientific predictions is clear enough . 从科学实用价值的观点来看,科学预测的重要性是明明白白的。
The reason for the competition was that saussure himself desired to reach the summit to make scientific calculations 竞赛的缘由是索舒尔渴望登顶进行科学预测。
It utilizes the linear target programming to aid producing the yearly production planning generation that is important for the production 对中药生产计划中最重要的年度生产计划使用线性多目标规划对其进行科学预测与分析。
As a result , his theory is sure to have been based on his deep pondering over the history , his rational insight into reality and his scientific prediction of the future 因而其理论是建立在时历史深刻思索、对现实理性洞察、时未来科学预测的基础上的。
It hopes that this thesis can help our house developers to carry more precise quantitative analysis and scientific forecast so that improving their competition power 希望本文针对性的研究将有助于我国的住房开发商进行更加准确的定量分析与科学预测,有助于提高其市场竞争能力。
First , in view of the earthquake action for assessment of existing structures in re - service term , hysteretic model of corroded members is introduced to earthquake damage prediction based on reliability theory 为科学预测未来地震造成的破坏并合理估计其造成的损失,应该以在役结构为对象,这样才符合地震时结构的实际情况。
I considered that multinational company should pick up the reasonable methods from those listed on # 2 table , based on the scientific predicting rate . 3 . political risks 认为:跨国公司对于利率风险的管理,首先有赖于对利率的科学预测,在此基础上,跨国公司可根据自身具体情况,参照文中p8表二对利率风险管理方法进行合理选择。