An english science-fiction writer, proposed that meaned "stationary" satellites be used to relay and broadcast electromagnetic communication signals . 有位英国科幻小说家曾提议使用“固定不动的”人造卫星来转播及广播电磁通迅信号。
Origin and development of american science fiction 试论美国科幻小说的产生和发展
Wormholes are also a feature of science fiction 虫孔也是科幻小说的一个特征。
His stories listens to be as the science - fiction 他的故事听起来像科幻小说
I ' d rather classify his novels as science fiction 我宁可把他的小说归类于科幻小说。
His story sounds like the science fiction novel 他的故事听起来像科幻小说
So , what other sci - fi writers are you into 那么,你还对哪些其它的科幻小说家感兴趣?
The significance of science behind science fiction translation 科幻小说翻译的科学意义
To tell the truth , i ' m rather keen on science fictions 说实话,我对科幻小说颇有兴趣。
Hi . you ' re a scienceficionado as well , huh 嗨,你也是科幻小说迷,对吗?