

  • scientific language



  • 例句与用法
  • Relavities and differences between scientific language and philosophical language
  • The mathematics language is a carrying of mathematics thought , and is a science language to express mathematics thought
  • The background leading to each incident will be presented , followed by an illustration of the chemical principles related to the interpretation of the unanticipated experimental results or observations
  • The background leading to each incident will be presented , followed by an illustration of the chemical principles related to the interpretation of the unanticipated experimental results or observations
  • The significance of our collaborative research project with cuhk is not only in the introduction of a new product , but also in the decoding of a very traditional chinese medicinal formula into a globally accepted , scientific language
  • General characteristics : person deictic words are much less used in legislative texts than those used in judicial and enforcement processes ; person deictic words in court hearings or legal literary works are much more frequently used than those used in jurisprudential texts
  • Because of the powerful drive of the technological culture , logistic power forming the absolute power of language , chinese education gets into imitating and pursing science language , namely , chinese education is deeply governed by rationalistism . that is the essential sticking point of chinese education in theory and practice , this article distructures and animadverts it
    本文是围绕对长期以来制约语文教育理论与实践的一个根本症结? ?由于科技文化的强势推动,逻辑的权利构成了语言的绝对权利,因此语文教学就陷入了对科学语言范式的追求和模仿之中,也即深受理性主义的绝对支配的解构与批判而展开论述的。
  • Findings from this research , which covers various disciplines including anatomy , biochemistry , physiology and pharmacology , will have a profound impact in the further development of the industry as a whole , " said mr richard eu , group chief executive officer , eu yan sang international ltd
  • In the understated language of science the new study in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences concludes “ this is unfortunate when one considers that for some species ? rich areas of the planet a large proportion of remaining forest is in fragments smaller than 2 500 acres
    《美国国家科学院学报》上新刊登的一篇专题研究论文用毫不夸张的科学语言总结道: “当你考虑到在地球上一些物种资源丰富的地区,留存下来的森林中一大部分是小于2500英亩的分散小块时,这是多么不幸。 ”
  • 推荐英语阅读
科学语言的英文翻译,科学语言英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译科学语言,科学语言的英文意思,科學語言的英文科学语言 meaning in English科學語言的英文科学语言怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
