正规部队 regular troops |
正视 face squarely |
正视困难 face difficulties squarely |
正视图 FV |
正视现实 look reality in the face |
正视自己的缺点 acknowledge one's shortcomin... |
正视自己的责任 face up to one's responsibil... |
正角 positive angle |
正言厉色 with a severe countenance an... |
正论 correct and sensible view |
正误 correct errors |
正误表 errata |
正课目 major subjects |
正谊明道 upright friendliness and bri... |
正谱 ortho-spectrum |
正货 unmixed goods |
正贴海绵球拍 outward pimpled rubber bat |
正路 the right way |
正路不走偏走斜路 turn from the right road and... |
正身 identity |
正轨 the right path or track pure |
正轨迹 positive rail |
正道 the right way |
正邪相争 struggle between the vital e... |
正量 plus |