I can ' t bel ieve we at three - tizzle 我不敢相信我们正身处three - tizzle
And lirette is on queer street 并且lirette正身处窘境
He says his ongoing battle with cancer is not why he ' s stepping down 他表示虽然他正身患癌症,但这并不是他下台的原因。
You are at the entrance of beijing ' s sole art space dedicated to women ' s work 你正身处北京唯一一处只展示女性作品的艺术空间。
The building was owned by a doctor going through a messy divorce 这栋楼归一名医生所有,目前这名医生正身处一场麻烦的离婚之中。
The foleys are among the thousands of homeowners on the brink of losing their homes “如果你是正身处困难的房主,那这更是雪上加霜。
As we go though life , there are times when we start to move away from god 在我们的一生中总有时候会开始离开神,或许你正身处这光景。
They say she is suffering from an unspecified medical condition and have placed her under house arrest 他们说希尔顿正身受某种未指明的疾患故将其软禁在家中。
Yet at the same time , much of siberia ' s population is clad in cheap chinese - made apparel and fed by traders from china 但与此同时,许多西伯利亚人正身着廉价的中国制造的衣服并由中国的商人们所养活。