Super product recommendations - super prize for great auction items 最劲力产品推介-超抵买正货
We will continue to promote " no fakes " stickers to increase the confidence of those shopping in hong kong 我们会积极保障知识产权,全力打击冒牌货品,继续推行正货标签,提高顾客在港购物的信心。
The " no fakes " pledge has been launched in guangdong and hong kong . just look for shops with the " no fakes " sign and you re guaranteed genuine goods 正版正货承诺计划已经在粤港两地展开,认定有正字标贴的商户,就一定买到正货
Speech by the secretary for education and manpower , mr joseph w p wong at the opening of the third apec hrd ministerial meeting in washington on july 30 , 1999 工商局局长周德熙在正版正货飞跃18区开幕酒会及电影数码特工首影的致辞全文七月三十一日
Speech by the secretary for education and manpower , mr joseph w p wong at the opening of the third apec hrd ministerial meeting in washington on july 30 , 1999 工商局局长周德熙在正版正货飞跃18区开幕酒会及电影数码特工首影的致辞全文(七月三十一日)
Customs seizes $ 23 . 5 million smuggled and counterfeit goods - 21 january 2005 ( friday ) customs and police bust upstairs showrooms of counterfeit products - 19 january 2005 ( wednesday ) 海关及警方打击冒牌货楼上陈列室维护正货之都美誉-二五年一月十九日(星期三)