正视 face squarely; face up to; look squarely at 正视现实 look reality in the face; 正视困难 face difficulties squarely; face up to difficulties; 正视自己的缺点 acknowledge one's shortcomings; 正视自己的责任 face up to one's responsibilities; 敢于正视工作中的问题 dare to face squarely the problems that arise in one's work; 正视图 [机械工程] fv (front view); orthograph
困难 1.(事情复杂,阻碍多) difficulty; difficult; hard; bump; rub 说话困难 be difficult to talk; 困难的工作 difficult work; hard work; 困难留给自己, 方便让给别人 difficulties for oneself but conveniences for others; 你听懂英语有困难吗? do you have [find] any difficulty in understanding spoken english?2.(生活穷困) financial difficulties; straitened circumstances 生活困难 live in straitened circumstances; 困难户 families with material difficulties
正视图 ansicht (zeichnung); elevatio front elevation; elevation; front elevation; front elevation drawing; front elevation view; front outline; front side; front view; head-on view; orthographic view
不敢正视 dare not look in sb.'s face; dare not look straight; dare not face up to; not brave enough to look sb. [sth.] in the face; not venture to face squarely
不忍正视 hate the sight of; be heartbreaking to look at