Read after the teacher . read one by one 学生跟读,并且一个一个读,以帮助教师正音
T : read after the teacher . read one by one 学生跟读,并且一个一个读,以帮助教师正音
The study of the pronunciation of words 正音学对于字词发音的研究
" the violin should be tuned . " she said in a disappointed tone “这把小提琴该给正正音了”她失望地说。
" the violin should be tuned " . she said in a disappionted tone “这个小提琴需要正正音了。 ”她失落的说到。
The character of fujian dialect type tone and method of correct common spoken chinese tone 福建方言式声调的特征与普通话声调正音
The game , called phonomena , was devised by david moore of the university of oxford , uk , as an aid for children with language problems , but he says his latest trials also show that it can help any child 这款称为正音系统的游戏是由英国牛津大学的大卫?摩尔设计的,本来是针对有语言问题的儿童的一个辅助手段,但他说他最近的试验也表明这个游戏可以帮助任何儿童。
In addition to offering basic courseworks in mass media theory and legal issues , the department has invited experienced professionals from the radio broadcast industry to provide a series of specialized classes in enunciation , program production , broadcast theory and practice , and radio sales publicity 除了大众传播理论、法规等基础课程之外,更延聘了许多国内广播界具长期实务经验的专业人士,教授语言正音、广播制作、播音理论与实务、电台促销宣传等一系列的广播专业课程。
In order to arouse the more student ' s study interests , i also mutually compete with the student , supervise , to look that mutually whose language is inaccurate , and corrects one ' s pronunciation for it ; also the non - periodical hold extemporaneous speech or the lecture , the teachers and students fellowship , launches the competition 为唤起更多学生的学习兴趣,我还和学生互相比赛、互相督促,看谁的语言不准确,并为其正音;还不定期举行即席发言或演讲,师生共同参与,展开竞争。