be in a hurry to depart; be in a hurry to go on a trip; be in a rush getting ready for a journey; be in haste to start; be pressed for time on a journey; bustle about packing one's luggage; set out on one's journey in a great hurry
匆匆 hurriedly; in a rush; in haste 匆匆吃了一顿饭 take a hurried meal; hurry through a meal; 来去匆匆 come and go in haste; 行色匆匆 be in a rush getting ready for a journey; be pressed for time on a journey; 他匆匆离去。 he went off in great haste. 她一句话没说就匆匆走了。 she hurried off without a word
流行色 fashion color; fashion colour/trend colour; fashionable color; modal shade; season color
Things got harried , and l lost him in the woods , 行色匆匆,结果我在森林里和他走散了
We are going nowhere , but fast 我们无处可去,却行色匆匆。
You read about them . they ' re always running off to be with 你会读到她们的故事他们总是行色匆匆地在寻找
Faces pass and i ' m home bound 人们行色匆匆我想家
As he was in a hurry , he simply got a takeaway from a nearby fast food shop 他行色匆匆,在邻近的快餐店买了一些外卖食物。
Bestowed to the mankind by nature , stone forests are an extraordinary masterpeice of arts 行色匆匆的石群,戛然止步,无悔无怨地在这里安了“家” 。
Try to have compassion for the person and remember how painful it is to be in such an enormous hurry 试着怜悯那个人,记住这样行色匆匆结果是多么痛苦。
Another popular sales pitch is to entice you to stay on the island longer than just for lunch , in the many small apartments , holiday flats or villas available for rent by the night , the week or even the month 不想行色匆匆的话,您大可租住岛上的度假屋或别墅,在岛上消磨两日一夜,甚至是一个星期或更长的时间。
Its convenient and saves time . in tsim sha tsui , you can have an enriched experience of sightseeing , museums , entertainment , relaxation and shopping . it is ideal for families with a tight schedule or families that are in hong kong for a day 以下建议的半天行程,浓缩了九区的精华,方便省时,走动范围集中在尖沙咀旅游区,又包罗了赏景博物馆娱乐休闲和购物元素,内容丰富,适合行色匆匆的家庭。
On the pavements of the rue notre dame de la lorette two long files of women scudded along with tucked - up skirts and bent heads , keeping close to the shops but never once glancing at the displays in the shopwindows as they hurried busily down toward the boulevards 在洛莱特圣母院路的两边人行道上,有两队卖笑女子,她们贴着一家家商店,行色匆匆向林荫大道走去,她们撩起裙子,低着头,连橱窗里的东西都不看。
行色匆匆的法语:faire une préparation précipitée pour le dépar
行色匆匆什么意思:xíng sè cōng cōng 【解释】行色:出发前后的神态。行走或出发前后的神态举止急急忙忙的样子 【出处】唐·牟融《送客之杭》:“西风吹冷透貂裘,行色匆匆不暂留。” 【示例】冰心《寄小读者》:“又是在~里,一两天要到新汉寿。” 【拼音码】xscc 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于人的神态 【英文】in a hurry to go on a trip