- ascending-descending chromatography
- 上下 and -- one of the six catego ...
- 行色 circumstances or style of de ...
- 谱 table; chart; register
- 下行色谱法 descending chromatography
- 下行色谱法;下行层析 descending chromatograph
- 下行色层分离法 下行色谱法 descendingchromatography
- 环行色谱法 cc circular chromatography
- 上行色谱法 ascending chromatography; ascending cromatography
- 上行色谱图 ascending chromatogram
- 上下行型 ascending-descending type
- 下行色层分离法 descending chromatography
- 共同进行色谱分离 cochromatographic separation
- 上行色谱法;上行层析 ascending chromatography
- 上行色谱分离法 ascending chromatography
- 下行纸色谱法 descending paper chromatography
- 行色 circumstances or style of departure
- 下行纸分配色谱 discending paper partition chromatography
- 下行纸分配色谱法 discending paper partition chromatography
- 下行纸条色谱法 descending paper strip chromatography
- 下行 1.[铁道] down; go down 下行列车 down train2.[航运] downriver; downstream 顺江[流] 下行的船舶 ships and boats sailed down the river3.(公文发往下级) to be issued to the lower levels
- 流行色 fashion color; fashion colour/trend colour; fashionable color; modal shade; season color
- 上下 1.(职务、辈分上的高低) high and low; old and young 举国上下 the whole nation; 全家上上下下都很高兴。 all members of the family, old and young, are very pleased.2.(从上到下) from top to bottom; up and down 这个水塔上下有五十米。 the water tower is fifty metres high.3.(从高到低或从低到高) go up and down 摩天楼里有电梯, 上下很方便。 with an elevator in the skyscraper, we can easily go up and down.4.(程度高低) relative superiority or inferiority 不相上下 equally matched; about the same; 难分上下 hard to tell which is better5.(用在数量词后面) about; or so; or thereabouts 三十岁上下 about thirty years old; thirty or so
- 色谱 [物理学] colour spectrum; chromatograph◇色谱法 chromatography; 色谱分离 [分析化学] chromatograph; 色谱分析仪 chromatographic analyser; 色谱试剂 chromatography reagent; 色谱图 [分析化学] chromatogram; 色谱仪 chromatograph
- 并行色的 achatine |
- 国际流行色 inter colour; international colour