很快地看一眼,匆匆的一瞥 catch a glimpse of =catch a brief sight of
急匆匆的时候做什么最好? what is the best thing to make in a hurry
对报纸大标题匆匆的看一遍 a quick glimpse at the newspaper headlines
他朝着北极星的方向急匆匆的驶去 he drove in a hurry in the direction of the pole star
匆匆 hurriedly; in a rush; in haste 匆匆吃了一顿饭 take a hurried meal; hurry through a meal; 来去匆匆 come and go in haste; 行色匆匆 be in a rush getting ready for a journey; be pressed for time on a journey; 他匆匆离去。 he went off in great haste. 她一句话没说就匆匆走了。 she hurried off without a word
Broken in heart and numbed, he had nothing to hurry for . 他那时已经心神摧伤,知觉麻木,没有什么匆匆的必要。
He heard hurried footsteps at dead of night 深更半夜时,他忽然听到匆匆的脚步声。
Humanity is no longer just another passenger on planet earth 人类不再是地球上另一匆匆的过客。
Sometimes it only allows you to take a glance and then disappears suddenly 有时,她只让你匆匆的瞥一眼,就突然消失了。
It was not a glance of reflection , but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought 这并不是匆匆的一瞥,而是一种长久的深思熟虑。
In the dream you approach in a hurry , also quietly departs , i in a hurry remember in a hurry putting behind 梦里你匆匆地走近,又悄悄地离去,我匆匆的想起又匆匆的忘却。
In formal morning coat and preceded by a shinto priest , he spent only ten minutes at the shrine 穿着燕尾服的小泉在一个神道教士的引导下匆匆的参拜了十多分钟就草草收场。
The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature 环境改变的速度不再顺从大自然从容不迫的节奏,而是顺从人类急切匆匆的步伐。
Who , ever knew you d be the one ( you d be the one ) where did all of these feelings come from ( where they come from ) 愿你今夜别离去但你匆匆的告退那披星载月前尘里为了伴著谁
As a foreign tourist who came and went in a hurry , i found , in my few days here , room for improvement in several areas 几天里从一个匆匆的外来游客看来,却发现几处值得改进的地方。