视若无睹 turn a blind eye to; take no notice [heed] of what has been seen; shut one's eyes to; be undisturbed by what one has seen; give sb. the go-by 他脱下帽子, 正想和她打招呼, 但她却视若无睹, 扬长而去。 he raised his hat and was about to speak to her, but she gave him the go-by and kept on walking
熟视无睹 look at for a long time but not to see anything; be blind to ...; be indifferent to ...; care nothing for; close [shut] one's eyes to; look at ... but pay no attention to ...; look without seeing; much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of.; not to see sth. right under one's nose; one looks but does not see.; pay no attention to a familiar sight; take no notice; turn a blind eye to ...: 我们对坏人坏事决不能熟视无睹。 we cannot close our eyes to evil doers and evil deeds. 他们对使用暴力熟视无睹。 they turned a blind eye to the use of violence
旁若无人 act as if there was no one else present -- self-assured or supercilious; act as if no one was nearby -- an unwarranted assumption of airs; act or talk in a supercilious manner; as if nobody else besides oneself counts; as if nobody were near him; as if no one was about; as if there was nobody present; as though no one were nearby; completely informal; have no regard for others
若无其事 act as if nothing were on one's mind; (appeared) as if nothing had happened; as if nothing had occurred; as if nothing were wrong; carry it off well; (went off) just as if nothing at all had happened
In the few months after the rainy season , i had been totally oblivious to the weeds that had invaded my front yard , because i believed in the idea that " meditation and exercise are more important than clearing the yard . " to me , the weeds were simply a temporary and harmless phenomenon , so i tolerated their existence 从雨季后几个月来,前院的那些杂草一直被我视若无睹,因为我有打坐和运动比整理庭院更重要的观念,觉得杂草只是暂时的现象,无伤大雅,所以任由它们的存在,不管多少路过的人见了直摇头,暗笑屋主的不修边幅,而我却始终无动于衷。