apt; suitable; appropriate; felicitous; proper 短语和例子
措词贴切 aptly worded; well-put; 这个比喻很贴切。 this metaphor is very appropriate. 我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思。 i can't find suitable words to express what i mean. 这样说不贴切。 that's not the right word for it
贴切的 pertinent贴切地 relevantly措词贴切 well put这样说不贴切 that's not the right word for it这个比喻很贴切 this metaphor is very appropriate我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思 i can't find suitable words to express what i mean贴墙柱 pilaster贴墙纸 wallpapering work贴球 touching ball; touchingball贴墙站着 stand against the wall贴刃射门 set shoot贴墙楼梯小梁 wall stringer贴入 paste into贴墙反光标志 wall reflector
In appendix a of this paper you find a smooth introduction to rkhs 本文的附录a中,再生核对希尔伯特空间理论有非常贴切 的介绍。 Indiana calls itself " the cross roads of america " , a motto justly deserved 印地安纳州自称为“美国的交通要道” ,这话十分贴切 。 Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me 有什麽更贴切 的形容词.能够让你知道.你所带给我的一切是无比的甜美 7 . which of the following statements best describes a public and private key pair 7 .下列那一项最能贴切 形容公开及私人密码匙的关系? I only blame myself for not coming up with a better way to say it 老套是老套一点,倒是千真万确的,怪只怪脑筋笨拙,想不出更贴切 的话来。 Therefore , people of wenzhou gave the island an apt nickname , the island of poems 所以,温州人就给江心屿取了一个很贴切 的名字,叫诗之岛。 You known the closest comparison is when publishing came along and people had books 你知道,打个最贴切 的比喻说吧,有了出版后,人们拥有了书。 " i ve always resisted the term spell - binding , but sometimes nothing else will do 我向来避免用慑人魅力一词,但有时却没有更贴切 的字眼。 Nothing less would do , as competition among the top clubs has never been more intense 再贴切 不过了? ?而顶尖俱乐部之间的较量也从未如此激烈过。 " i ve always resisted the term spell - binding , but sometimes nothing else will do 我向来避免用慑人魅力一词,但有时却没有更贴切 的字眼。
贴切的法语 :形 juste;approprié;exact比喻要用得~.une comparaison ou une métaphore doit être exacte et heureuse.贴切的日语 :(言葉遣いが)適切である,ぴったり当てはまる. 用比喻 bǐyù 要贴切,而且要通俗 tōngsú /比喩を使うには,ぴったりしていて,しかも分かりやすくなければならない. 措词 cuòcí 贴切/言葉遣いが適切である.贴切的韩语 :[형용사] 딱 맞다. 적절하다. 알맞다. 比喻要用得贴切, 用得通俗; 비유는 적절하고 알기 쉽게 써야 한다 =[帖tiē切]贴切的俄语 :[tiēqiè] соответствующий; уместный; подходящий贴切什么意思 :tiēqiè (措辞)恰当;确切:比喻要用得~,用得通俗。