贴切 apt; suitable; appropriate; felicitous; proper 措词贴切 aptly worded; well-put; 这个比喻很贴切。 this metaphor is very appropriate. 我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思。 i can't find suitable words to express what i mean. 这样说不贴切。 that's not the right word for it
Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language 诗绝对无法用另一种语言贴切地译出来。
So we can help to choose appropriate performances to cater for different situations 我们为您准备了专业的演出节目,贯穿始终,从视觉至感受,贴切地配合您的各类活动。
I hope that i adequately put that longing into the music , so that everyone in the audience could feel that same thing , what i felt 我希望能贴切地将渴盼之情融入在那首音乐中,让现场每位观众都能有同样的感受。
This beam crossed , or rather blocked up , the hole dant s had made ; it was necessary , therefore , to dig above or under it 这条横梁挡住了,或更贴切地说,完全堵住了唐太斯所挖成的洞,所以必须在它的上面或下面从头再挖起。
A uml model element such as a field or operation assigned a type whose structure and behavior most closely match the specification of the element 指定类型的uml模型元素(如字段或操作) ,其结构和行为最贴切地符合元素规范。
The adeli penguins ' mating ritual is so romantic that warner brothers have made a movie about it , aptly called the pebble and the penguin 埃德里企鹅浪漫的结婚仪式使得华纳兄弟影片公司特地为它们拍了一部电影,名子很贴切地叫做“鹅卵石和企鹅” 。
When a uml model element is type - safe , its structure and behavior closely match its specification or , in other words , it has been developed specifically for its purpose 当uml模型元素是类型安全的时,其结构和行为贴切地与其规范相匹配,或者换句话说,它是明确地为其用途开发的。
Compared with private goods , the theory meaning of studying public goods lies in it reflects the need of whole society or group , realizes welfare of society or collective 研究公共物品的理论意义在于公共物品相对于私人物品而言,更贴切地反映了整个社会或集团的需要,更接近社会集体的福利实现。
A place called the eradication zone , lying about 40 miles west of madison , wis . , covers some 411 square miles . there thousands of white - tailed deer live ? or rather , used to live 美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊西方约64公里处,有一个叫扑灭区的地方, ?地约1064平方公里。数千头白尾鹿在那里生活? ?或者更贴切地说,曾经在那里生活。