贴切 apt; suitable; appropriate; felicitous; proper 措词贴切 aptly worded; well-put; 这个比喻很贴切。 this metaphor is very appropriate. 我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思。 i can't find suitable words to express what i mean. 这样说不贴切。 that's not the right word for it
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比喻 1.(譬喻; 一种修辞方式) metaphor or simile; analogy; figure of speech; allegory 这只是一个比喻说法。 this is just a figure of speech2.(打比方) compare one thing to another 原子结构时常被比喻为微型太阳系。 the atomic structure is often compared to a miniature solar system. 我们时常把电荷的流动比喻为水的流动。 we often compare the flow of electrical charges to the flow of water