The lesson has brought forth the major problems existing in present modern education technique course by the means of material checking , group discussion , questionnaire and lecture attending : teachers " lag of modern education concept , unsuitability of teaching material against the time development requirement , too much dependence on the multimedia system , low quality of teaching courseware and experiment condition , ambiguity of study aim and the cold relationship of teachers and students 本课题从实际出发,以内江师范学院为范本,以专题调查研究为基本方法,采用查阅资料、座谈、问卷调查、随堂听讲等多种形式结合,对普通高等师范院校《现代教育技术》公共课程的现实状况进行了调查,发现存在的主要问题是:任课教师的现代教育理念滞后;教学内容不适应时代发展需求,授课过多依赖计算机多媒体系统并采用传递? ?接受的传统教学模式;多媒体教学课件质量不高;实验条件和项目有待改进;学习目标不明确,师生关系淡漠。
Since it is difficult for the cable or beam model to consider the large deformation in the pipe crossing section , the fem analysis with shell element has been proposed to investigate the response of pipe . takada ( 2000 ) proposed a simplified design formula to obtaining the maximum strain in steel pipes based on the parametrical study using a beam - shell hybrid fem 现在的抗震规范和有关研究中,还很少有估计大变形时管子内的应力应变的方法,虽然2000年高田至郎等人基于壳有限元模型的参数研究提出了设计用的简化计算公式,但在他们的分析模型中存在一些问题有待改进。
The market occupation of retapase project has been over appraised and the market orientation is based on self - reference while less weight has been put on market survey ; the project fund comes inadequately from self - raised resources or by transferring the techniques . in the organization framework of the project , the conventional linear system is adopted , which inhibit imbibing the wisdom of majority ; on personnel management , the r & d professionals have been weighed much more against the management professionals and little effort has been put on building the professionals reservoir , while the personnel incentive tactics are not conducive to the long benefit of the project in addition , the cost management is maldeveloped and the project progress controlling has been neglected 瑞特普酶项目属生物制药项目,本文对fdzj公司瑞特普酶项目的管理现状进行了详细分析,具体有待改进地方有:市场份额估计过高,市场定位本位化,市场调查注重不足;项目融资仅采用自筹资金及科技成果转让的方式;项目组织结构为传统的直线制,不利于集思广义,人员配备重研发人才,轻管理人才,人才储备工作欠缺,人员激励策略与项目长远利益不衔接;成本管理欠缺,忽视进度管理等。
The questions about students are the utility trend of interaction , the misunderstanding of cognition , deviation of behavior , and the defects of character . the problems of teachers are the educational idea of teachers , and professional accomplishment to be improved . the problems of schools are the disorder in developing students " interaction ability , curriculum arrangement and implement 学生方面的问题:交往的功利化倾向、认知偏差及与行为脱轨、性格上的缺陷;教师方面的问题:教师的教育理念和专业素养有待改进提高;学校在促进学生人际交往能力方面的无序化状态、课程设置和实施的问题;家长轻视子女的人际交往能力培养,教育方法以“堵”代“疏” 。
But many aspects - the protection and utilization of the historic architecture , the inheritation and continuity of the historic blocks " context , the external image and whole scene of pedestrian mall , the facility of urban life and recreation , and so on - still need to be improved because of the inadequacy of realizing its comprehensive values and the defects to outdoor environmental design 它具有社会,经济,文化等方面的重要价值。但由于对其综合价值的认识不足和在户外环境设计方面的缺陷导致历史性步行商业街在历史性建筑的保护和利用、街区文脉的继承和延续、步行街的外在形象和整体风貌、方便城市生活和休闲等方面都有待改进。
The six problems of technology innovation of medium and small sized enterprises are analyzed . they are : rigid innovation mechanism , incomplete legal system , insufficient incentives , unsatisfying services , inadequate funds and lack of technology , equipment , personnel and information 本文分析了我国中小企业技术创新现状,指出了目前我国中小企业技术创新发展中存在的六大问题:创新体制和制度僵化;创新法律政策体系不完善;激励机制欠缺;创新环境和服务体系有待改进;创新资金不足;创新技术、设备、人才、信息缺乏。
Our research begins with analyzing the economical inbeing of cb , summarizes the history and status in quo of chinese cb financing . we conclude that cb financing can decrease many types of equity - related and debt - related costs in firm ' s external financing contrasting with debt and equity financing . we also contrast our experimental evidence in chinese market with the overseas evidences , and find some characteristics and flaws of domestic issuers 本文从分析可转换债券经济学本质入手,总结了中国上市公司可转换债券融资发展历程与现状,认为可转换债券融资与直接股权和债权融资相比能减少公司外部融资时同时面临的多种股权和债权性相关成本,同时将针对国内的实证结果与理论结果进行比较,揭示出国内融资主体的特征与有待改进之处。