待核销基建支出 capital construction expenditure pending write off upon approval; capital construction expenditure pending write- off upon approval; construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc
Nine presale consent applications for residential developments pending approval 一月份有九份住宅单位预售楼花同意书申请有待核准
8 residential pre - sale consents pending approval in the first quarter of 2006 二六年首季有待核准住宅单位预售楼花同意书申请共八份
Nine presale consent applications for residential developments pending approval in january 2006 一月份有九份住宅单位预售楼花同意书申请有待核准
Eight presale consent applications for residential developments pending approval in march 2006 二六年首季有待核准住宅单位预售楼花同意书申请共八份
The remaining two developments are estimated to be completed in 2001 . " at the end of december 1999 , three applications in respect of commercial developments throughout the territory were pending approval . the three developments are estimated to be completed in 2000 or 2001 截至一九九九年十二月底,有待核准的预售楼花同意书(商业)申请共三份,三个商业发展项目预计于二零零零年或二零零一年内完成。
The other three applications were for consents to sell commercial units on hong kong island and in kowloon . " as at december 31 , 1999 , a total of ten applications for pre - sale consents involving 4 , 294 residential units located in various areas were pending approval , " the spokesman said 发言人说:截至去年十二月三十一日,有待核准的预售住宅楼花同意书申请共十份,涉及各区共四千二百九十四个住宅单位。
Of the 62 consents issued , 26 of them affecting 24 , 927 units with estimated completion dates exceeding 15 months have benefited . " at the end of september , 16 applications for consent to sell involving 17 , 898 residential units located in various parts of the territory were pending approval 截至今年九月底,有待核准的预售住宅楼花同意书共十六份,共有一万七千八百九十八个住宅单位;另有四份非住宅单位的申请。