有待证明 have yet to be proved; it remains to be proved
A three-dimensional solution to cover the rolling of narrow sheets and bars is still awaited . 关于窄板和棒材轧制的三维解,目前仍有待于作出。
The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done . 对于蠕变裂纹扩展的分析研究还是处于初期阶段,还有许多事情有待于认识和完成。
The investigation of its infinitely small components had to await the development of optical methods and is of relatively recent origin . 要研究其无数小的结构成分,必须有待于光学方法的发展,因而其起始较晚。
This phenomenon is left to the future study 这一现象有待于进一步的研究。在5
The future of jerusalem remains to be observed 当然,也有待于时间的验证。
There remain a lot of resource to be exploited 许多重要的资源有待于开发。
Family business : the business system to be correctly evaluated 有待于正确评价的企业制度
Every method should be improved in the practice 各种方法有待于在实践中进一步探索与完善。
So there is a big room to improve for this article 因此,整个算法还存在很多有待于完善的地方。
With all the problems to settle , i ' ll have a hard time 所有的问题有待于解决,我的日子将不好过。