

音标:[ hángguī ]   发音:
  • [旧时用语] guild regulations



  • 例句与用法
  • Our company has 18 container trucks providing the service of inland and foreign trade transportation . the truck teem attemper on duty for 24 hours and equipped with advanced communication facilities . in this way , clients may easily know the status of their cargo . the experienced proffesional , who is familiar with the process in tianjin port , can offer the service of custom declaration , advance money for port charge , and other related services
  • Our company has 18 container trucks providing the service of inland and foreign trade transportation . the truck teem attemper on duty for 24 hours and equipped with advanced communication facilities . in this way , clients may easily know the status of their cargo . the experienced proffesional , who is familiar with the process in tianjin port , can offer the service of custom declaration , advance money for port charge , and other related services
  • Study and research the development & and growing trend of the domestic and international textile industries , and participate in or provide consulting services for the various work in aspects of developing strategy , industrial policy , technological progress & upgrading , market promotion & exploration , reform & opening up of the industry , and bridge the enterprises with the government , make recommendations & reports to the government , and provide information & consulting services for the enterprises
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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