规章 rules; regulations 改革不合理的规章制度 reform irrational rules and regulations; 制定新的规章 establish new rules and regulations; 废除旧的规章 abolish the old regulations; 如果你参加俱乐部, 你就得遵守它的规章。 if you join the club, you have to abide by its rules.; 规章制度 rules and regulations
Administrative punishments provided for in existing rules shall remain in force until that day 在这之前,现行规章已规定的行政处罚仍然有效。
The summer courses are administered according to the current policy for undergraduate studies and students will be awarded grades and credits upon completion of the courses and passing of examinations 课程将根据岭大本科课程现行规章安排,学生于完成课程及通过考试后获授予学分及成绩等级。
" we will also find loopholes in current regulations and mechanisms through studying the causes , characteristics and rules of such cases to curb crimes from the source , ' ' he added 他说: “我们也将通过探究此类案件的成因,特性和规则来寻找现行规章和机制中的漏洞,以求从根源上切断此类犯罪的发生。 ”
The summer courses are administered according to the current policy for undergraduate studies and students will be awarded grades and credits upon completion of the courses and passing of examinations 课程将根据岭大本科课程现行规章安排,学生于完成课程及通过考试后将获授予学分及成绩等级。修得学分后,学生可向原校申请学分转认。