Standard guide for using existing practices in developing and writing test methods 制定和编写试验方法用现行规则的标准指南
Whatever the make of vehicle , the buyer must always be assured that it satisfies the requirements laid down by the rules in force 无论买哪一个汽车品牌,购买者都必须确信其满足了现行规则所设定的要求。
Every four years the two governing bodies agree any necessary amendments or clarifications in the rules and issue a revised code 每4年这两个高尔夫管理机构共同讨论现行规则,进行必要的更改和代码澄清并发布新的经修改的高尔夫规则代码。
Council has asked the dla to consider whether there are areas where discretion by dla can be introduced to deal with potential hardship or potential injustice created by existing rules , and to report to council if such areas are identified 本局建议法援署署长,研究是否有哪些范畴可以让其运用酌情权来处理现行规则可能导致的困境或不公平现象,并向本局汇报。
Each member shall submit the notification on state trading enterprises to the council of trade in goods to ensure the transparency of the activities of state trading enterprises . each member also should negotiate to limit or reduce the obstacles to the expansion of international trade and has the right to invoke dispute settlement procedures in instance where he perceives that a state trading enterprise has violated these rules 现行规则规定国营贸易企业应当依照不歧视的原则行事,并仅根据商业因素进行购买和销售;规定成员方应当保持国营贸易企业运作的透明度并就此向货物贸易理事会提供通知,成员方还应该作消除障碍的对等谈判,并有权就国营贸易企业争端提请争端解决机构裁决。