规范 (约定俗成或明文规定的标准) standard; norm; specification; specs; canon; canonical; performance specification (设备的) 语法规范 grammatical correctness; 技术规范 technical standard; 合乎规范 conform to the standard; 质量规范 specifications of quality; 不合规范 fall short of the specification; 这个词的用法不规范。 this is not the normal way of using the word. 他的普通话说得不规范。 he does not speak standard putonghua.; 规范回答 canonical answer; 规范句型 canonical sentential form; 规范科学 normal science; 规范理论 gauge theory; 规范逻辑 deontic logic; 规范语法 normative grammar; 规范语言 specification [normative] language
Currently the specialized design standard for piled raft foundation is not constituted yet 我国现行规范中尚无桩筏基础的设计规范。
Analysis on statistical method for geotechnical parameters based on current code for geotechnical investigation 基于现行规范岩土参数的统计方法分析及应用
The calculation results using the formula in code for design of concrete structures ( gb50010 - 2002 ) can fulfill requires of design 按照现行规范《混凝土结构设计规范》 ( gb50010 - 2002 )验算,承载力均可满足要求。
In the current code and research references there is no detailed information for the member to bend or bend with torsion around the hollow axis 其绕虚轴的侧向屈曲和可能出现的弯扭屈曲在现行规范和研究文献中尚未有详尽的讨论。
The assumption in this paper are approximately according with present code , and the calculated results agree with experimental results very well 公式中的假设与现行规范gb10 ? 89的公式中的假设基本一致,其计算结果与试验值吻合较好。
The results of finite element model and theoretical formula are proved to be in good agreement with the experimental results 在基于现行规范的基础上提出了组合梁跨中挠度的建议计算公式把有限元模型和建议公式的计算结果与试验结果进行比较,三者吻合良好。
Based on checking preferences and regulations in - use , analysis and calculation for frame are done inthis paper , strengthing design and implements for the lacking of the capability members are also abopted 根据实测资料和现行规范对厂房框架结构进行内力分析、验算,对承载力不足的构件提出了加固设计方案,并实施了加固。
In criterion of china , concerning carrying capacity of masonry wall with steel loading out - of - plane , it is no detailed stipulate , only putting forward qualitative that we can reduce the impact of moment of out - of - plane on walls 我国现行规范中,对墙体出平面承载力没有给出具体规定,仅定性提出应尽量减少平面外弯矩对墙体的影响。
Not all of the damages belong to the fatigue damage mode supposed by exist specifications . as the bearing capacity of a pavement structure is limited , excessive load may damage the pavement structure at one action 这些破坏不完全是现行规范所假定的疲劳破坏模式,由于路面结构的承载能力有限,过大的轴载一次作用就可能造成路面结构的破坏。
Abstract : in the practical engineering , the reinforcement concre te bending members with round section are often met and in current standard only the method of calculation of reinforcement uniformly distributed along circ le is adopted 文摘:实际工程中经常会用到圆形截面的钢筋混凝土受弯构件,现行规范采用的是沿周边均匀配置纵筋的计算方法。