措词贴切 aptly worded; well-put; 这个比喻很贴切。 this metaphor is very appropriate. 我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思。 i can't find suitable words to express what i mean. 这样说不贴切。 that's not the right word for it
A comparison might be very just in its proportions which did not at all assimilate the things compared . 一种贴切相称的比较并不就使被比较的东西完全相似。
I find the expression so just and expressive that i have adopted it as the title for this book . 我觉得这个用语非常贴切而又达意传神,所以就用来做本书的题目。
The hero's coal cellar is an apt symbol of the isolation of the individual in an impersonal city . 主人公的地窖是一个在人们失去了自我的城市里个人孤独的贴切象征。
He hesitated, fumbled for the right words, then with a new immediacy in his voice, blurted out . 他迟疑了一下,搜寻着贴切的词句,跟着,以急迫的声音突然说起话来。
She is a scotchwoman, and speaks with a scotch accent, and now and then a provincial word drops out so prettily . 她是苏格兰人,说话带苏格兰口音,不时还漏出一个很贴切的方言字眼。
Particles and waves are macroscopic concepts which gradually lose their relevance as we approach the submicroscopic domain . 粒子和波都是宏观概念,当我们接近亚微观领域时,它们就逐渐变得不那么贴切了。
The elms of court leys now were dark with leaves, and the heavy, close-fitting verdure gave quite a stately look to the house . 莱伊府第的榆树现在已是绿叶葱茏,浓密而贴切的青葱草木,使这所房子显得十分堂皇而雄伟。
A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased, jargon-filled letter . 一封表达贴切的书信对读者产生的印象远比一封词法别扭、废话连篇的书信产生的印象积极得多。
It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。
But , yeah , that ' s a great example 但是,对呀,你举的这个例子倒是非常贴切。