

[ jīquǎnbùjīng ] 发音:   "鸡犬不惊"的汉语解释   用"鸡犬不惊"造句
  • (take care) not to wake the fowls or dogs; even fowls and dogs are not disturbed [alarmed] -- excellent army discipline.; not a dog or a cock was aroused -- complete peace and quiet 短语和例子
  • 鸡犬不留:    not a chicken or dog left; even chickens and dogs are not spared -- utter extermination.; even fowls and dogs are not spared -- ruthless mass slaughter.; cruelty on the part of the marauders; no living thing, not a fowl, or a dog remained
  • 鸡犬不宁:    (raising such a fearful din that) the very fowls and dogs have no peace; cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous; drive someone crazy; even cocks and dogs are not in peace.; general unrest [turmoil]; greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox; the extent of the disturbance caused by an invasion army, marauders, etc.: 闹得家内鸡犬不宁 stir the whole family into a tempest
  • 闹得鸡犬不宁:    cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous
  • 闹得家内鸡犬不宁:    stir the whole family into a tempest
  • 不惊动:    let alone


  1. Wherever the bandits appear , chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall. but we , the pla , bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go .
  2. Wherever the bandits appear , chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall . but we , the pla , bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go
    匪军到了哪里,就是鸡飞狗跳墙,这叫做“鸡犬不宁” ;我们呢,不管到什么地方是“鸡犬不惊” 。


        鸡犬不留:    not a chicken or dog left; even chickens and dogs are not spared -- utter extermination.; even fowls and dogs are not spared -- ruthless mass slaughter.; cruelty on the part of the marauders; no living thing, not a fowl, or a dog remained
        鸡犬不宁:    (raising such a fearful din that) the very fowls and dogs have no peace; cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous; drive someone crazy; even cocks and dogs are not in peace.; general unrest [turmoil]; greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox; the extent of the disturbance caused by an invasion army, marauders, etc.: 闹得家内鸡犬不宁 stir the whole family into a tempest
        闹得鸡犬不宁:    cause such utter confusion as to make everybody nervous
        闹得家内鸡犬不宁:    stir the whole family into a tempest
        不惊动:    let alone
        吠犬不咬:    barking dogs don't [seldom] bite.; great barkers are no biters
        吠犬不咬人:    a barking dog doesn’t bite; barking dogs do not bite; barking dogs seldom bite
        老犬不空吠:    an old dog bites sore
        淮南鸡犬:    (比喻攀附权贵而得势的人) humble followers waiting for a pull from their superior
        鸡犬升天:    fowls and dogs turn immortals -- relatives and followers of a high official got promotion after him
        鸡犬相闻:    sounds of crowing cocks and barking dogs were heard around -- two places are very close to each other
        波澜不惊:    no surges; nothing exciting
        不打扰,不惊动:    leave alone
        不惊奇的:    unsurprising
        不惊人的:    ordinary not exciting or special
        宠辱不惊:    (受宠受辱都无动于衷) remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation -- unmoved either by gain or loss; not moved by official honour or disgrace; undisturbed either by favour or disgrace
        处变不惊:    with presence of mind in the face of disasters
        处乱不惊:    coolness under fire
        貌不惊人:    one's looks do not attract others -- an ordinary appearance
        我并不惊讶:    it doesn't surprise me
        欲望不惊路:    lo-du moo-bi; road movie
        匕鬯不惊:    not to cause the slightest damage to the people; people will not be disturbed by a well-disciplined army wherever it goes
        一人得道,鸡犬升天:    When a man attains the Tao,even his pets ascend to heaven.If a man becomes immortal,even his hen and dog become immortal,too.When a man becomes powerful,those near him ride on his coattails to success-unashamed nepotism.When a man is at court,all his followers are in fovour.When a man gets to the top,all his friends and relations get there with him.
        一人得道鸡犬升天:    when a man attains the tao even his pets ascend to heaven
        鸡全腿:    broiler whole leg
        鸡圈。:    chicken yard


        鸡犬不惊的韩语:【성어】 군대의 기율이 엄하여 지나가는 마을의 닭이나 개도 놀라지 않음을 형용함. 평온하고 무사한 상태. =[鸡犬无惊]
        鸡犬不惊的俄语:pinyin:jīquǎnbùjīng даже куры и собаки не пугаются (обр. в знач.: тишина и спокойствие)
        鸡犬不惊什么意思:jī quǎn bù jīng 【解释】形容行军纪律严明,连鸡狗都没有受到惊动。也指平安无事。 【出处】明·许仲琳《封神演义》第二十八回:“文王与子牙放炮起兵。一路上父老相迎,鸡犬不惊。” 【拼音码】jqbj 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、补语、分句;形容军纪严明


  1. "鸡球蔬菜汤"英文
  2. "鸡球形胃线虫"英文
  3. "鸡去势"英文
  4. "鸡圈。"英文
  5. "鸡全腿"英文
  6. "鸡犬不留"英文
  7. "鸡犬不宁"英文
  8. "鸡犬升天"英文
  9. "鸡犬相闻"英文
  10. "鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来"英文


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