

发音:   "处变不惊"的汉语解释   用"处变不惊"造句
  • with presence of mind in the face of disasters


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  1. She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency
  2. Can you act on your own initiative in difficult , even potentially dangerous situations
  3. They have a sharp and observant mind and are consistently practical and resourceful , making them ideal leaders in crisis situations
  4. If ps21 did not enable civil servants to anticipate the crisis for not many analysts did it at least made civil servants more mentally prepared for change and uncertainties
    以这次的金融风暴而言, ps21即使未能使公务员(包括很多分析员)洞烛先机,也至少使他们处变不惊
  5. If ps21 did not enable civil servants to anticipate the crisis - for not many analysts did - it at least made civil servants more mentally prepared for change and uncertainties
    以这次的金融风暴而言, ps21即使未能使公务员(包括很多分析员)洞烛先机,也至少使他们处变不惊


        调处变数:    manipulated variable; variable manipulated
        不惊动:    let alone
        渐变不整合:    graded unconformity
        应变不变量:    invariant of strain; strain invariant
        应变不连续:    strain discontinuity; straindiscontinuity
        波澜不惊:    no surges; nothing exciting
        不打扰,不惊动:    leave alone
        不惊奇的:    unsurprising
        不惊人的:    ordinary not exciting or special
        宠辱不惊:    (受宠受辱都无动于衷) remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation -- unmoved either by gain or loss; not moved by official honour or disgrace; undisturbed either by favour or disgrace
        处乱不惊:    coolness under fire
        鸡犬不惊:    (take care) not to wake the fowls or dogs; even fowls and dogs are not disturbed [alarmed] -- excellent army discipline.; not a dog or a cock was aroused -- complete peace and quiet 匪军到了哪里, 就是鸡飞狗跳墙, 这叫做“鸡犬不宁”, 我们呢, 不管到什么地方是“鸡犬不惊”。 wherever the bandits appear, chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall. but we, the pla, bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go
        貌不惊人:    one's looks do not attract others -- an ordinary appearance
        我并不惊讶:    it doesn't surprise me
        欲望不惊路:    lo-du moo-bi; road movie
        匕鬯不惊:    not to cause the slightest damage to the people; people will not be disturbed by a well-disciplined army wherever it goes
        改变不透明度:    opacity change
        畸变不准确度:    distortion inaccuracy
        急变不稳定流:    rapidly varied unsteady flow
        切变不稳定性:    shearing instability
        万变不离其中:    while the appearances may vary the essence remains unchanged
        万变不离其宗:    the methods used may vary, but the principle is the same.; change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand; in none of his change has he departed from his stand; in various guises to serve the single purpose (of ...); no matter how many changes one has made, he has not departed from his line.; the central theme remains the same
        诡辩改变不了历史:    sophistry cannot alter history
        那梦想变不成黄金:    that dreams don't turn to gold
        处部:    dept departure
        处壁开管柱:    wall treated open tubular column



  1. "处,处处"英文
  2. "处,部门"英文
  3. "处帮佣"英文
  4. "处包片"英文
  5. "处壁开管柱"英文
  6. "处部"英文
  7. "处部宏指令"英文
  8. "处部设备"英文
  9. "处产生的剂量当量对弱贯穿辐射"英文
  10. "处长"英文


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