违反: violate; run counter to; tra ...协定: agreement; accord; treaty行为: action; behaviour; conduct; ...违反协定: in violate of an agreement违反协议: breach of agreement; violation of agreement违反协约: breach of agreement违反协议条款: break the terms of agreement不稳定行为: no teady behavior; nonsteady behavior未指定行为: unspecified behavior固定行为模式: fixed behavioral pattern固定行为型态: fixed action patterns faps任意决定行为: discretionary act特定行政行为: specific administrative action违反停火协定: violation of ceasefire agreement情境决定行为论: situationism特定行为的履行: performance of a definite act违反行为准则: code violation违反义务行为: act against duty违反中立行为: u eutral service; unneutral service定行: sadayuki集体违反纪律行为: concerted act of indiscipline行为合法, 不违反法律: keep on the right side of the law违纪行为;违反纪律行为: disciplinary offence反协同: negative synergism违反明文规定的行为: acting contrary to declaration